Jason Yates on Pray, Think, Vote & More!

Jason Yates

Jason Yates has over 25 years of proven leadership experience in strategy development, marketing, and product development from Fortune 100 companies. In 2015, his passion to see Christians act on their faith to make a difference in their communities and our nation led him to leave corporate America and assume the…… Read More

Pastor Reza Safa on Revival in the Middle East & More!

Reza Safa

Pastor Reza Safa is one of the leading voices of revival in the Muslim World. Through his Farsi/Persian television network, TBN Nejat TV, possibly millions of Muslims have declared their faith in Jesus Christ.… Read More… Read More

Congressman Doug Lamborn on the Battle in Washington & More

Doug Lamborn

Doug was then elected to the US House of Representatives in 2006 to represent Colorado’s Fifth District. Colorado’s Fifth District, based in Colorado Springs, is one of our nation’s most military-intensive congressional districts and the proud home to more than 100,000 veterans who have served our country with distinction and…… Read More

David Cortman on Defending Our Rights to Freedom & More

David A. Cortman

David A. Cortman serves as senior counsel and vice president of U.S. litigation with Alliance Defending Freedom. He joined ADF in 2005 and currently supervises a team of nearly 40 attorneys and legal staff who specialize in constitutional law, focusing on religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and family.……… Read More

Bill Federer on Revival of Patriotism & More!

William J. ‘Bill’ Federer

WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations…… Read More

E.W. Jackson on Proud to Be an American & More

E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson is a true believer. He believes in God, in the vision and ideal that birthed America, and in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the spiritual and intellectual well from which our Declaration and Constitution were drawn. A former foster child, he symbolizes the hope ignited by freedom and the…… Read More

Andrea Williams on Separation of Church & State & More!

Andrea Williams

Andrea Williams is a barrister who has practiced at all levels of the British judicial system. After pioneering the Student and Policy work of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship, she went on to found Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre, which have run some of the most high-profile Christian freedom cases and campaigns in Europe.…… Read More

Lance Wallnau on What Is Happening in America & More

Lance Wallnau

Dr. Wallnau is an internationally recognized speaker, business and political strategist. USA Today reports that he is one of only three evangelical leaders to have accurately predicted Donald Trump's Presidency. Dr. Wallnau's best selling book, "Gods Chaos Candidate" is credited as being the catalyst that mobilized thousands of Christian's to…… Read More

Tim Goeglein on Religious Liberties, Where We Stand & More

Tim Goeglein

Tim Goeglein is Vice President of External Relations for Focus on the Family. Formerly, he served as a special assistant to President George W. Bush and as a deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. In addition, Goeglein served as a communications director for Gary Bauer at…… Read More