Shawn Smith: Threats to Election Integrity

Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith retired as an Air Force colonel with over 25 years active duty in space and missile operations, director and test manager for operational testing of weapon systems, USAF… Read More… Read More

Bishop E.W. Jackson: Turning the Tide in America

E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson is a true believer. He believes in God, in the vision and ideal that birthed America, and in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the spiritual and intellectual well from which our Declaration and Constitution were drawn. A former foster child, he symbolizes the hope ignited by freedom and the…… Read More

State Sen. Ted Alexander: Legislating for Life, Learning, and Liberty

State Sen. Ted Alexander

A resident of Shelby, Ted Alexander is currently  serving his second term in the North Carolina Senate, being first elected in 2018, and represents District 44, comprised of Lincoln, Cleveland… Read More… Read More

Marissa Selvig: Preserving American Foundations

Marissa Joy Selvig

Marissa Joy Selvig is running for Wyoming’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. She and her husband Ryan, with their four children (Liv, Jonas, Finn, and Elin) live… Read More… Read More

Tim Barton: The State of Freedom in America

Tim Barton

Timothy is the President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our religious, moral, and constitutional heritage. WallBuilders has been recognized from coast-to-coast for its work in education, history, law, and public policy, integrating the elements of Biblical faith and…… Read More

Allan Parker: Standing Against the Evil of Abortion

Allan Parker

Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, was lead counsel for Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, from 2000 to 2012, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe… Read More… Read More

Kelly Shackelford: Stopping the Supreme Court Coup

Kelly Shackelford

Kelly Shackelford, Esq., is President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, the largest legal firm in the nation dedicated exclusively to protecting religious freedom for all Americans. He has served in this role since 1997, leading First Liberty’s efforts to defend religious freedom in the courts and in the public…… Read More

Jason Yates: Motivating Christians to Act

Jason Yates

Jason Yates has over 25 years of proven leadership experience in strategy development, marketing, and product development from Fortune 100 companies. In 2015, his passion to see Christians act on their faith to make a difference in their communities and our nation led him to leave corporate America and assume the…… Read More

Navigating Today’s Gender Issues Seminar

Paul Lodato

When General Manager Paul Lodato took the helm of Southwest Florida’s Christian Television Network station (formerly WRXY-TV) in 2005, he was the youngest general manager in the history of the… Read More… Read More