Mario Murillo: 2022 Truth & Liberty Coalition Conference, Friday, Sept. 9

Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was far different from…… Read More

Lance Wallnau: Truth & Liberty Coalition Conference, Thursday, Sept. 8

Lance Wallnau

Dr. Wallnau is an internationally recognized speaker, business and political strategist. USA Today reports that he is one of only three evangelical leaders to have accurately predicted Donald Trump's Presidency. Dr. Wallnau's best selling book, "Gods Chaos Candidate" is credited as being the catalyst that mobilized thousands of Christian's to…… Read More

Andrew Wommack: 2022 Truth & Liberty Coalition Conference, Thursday, Sept. 8

Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack, founder of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College, has been teaching God’s Word with clarity and simplicity since 1972. His ministry has grown into a multi-million dollar organization that employs over 600 people and includes a printing and publications department, a television department, overseas offices, national and…… Read More

Mario Murillo: Revival Fires in America

Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was far different from…… Read More

Lance Wallnau: America and the Church Looking Ahead

Lance Wallnau

Dr. Wallnau is an internationally recognized speaker, business and political strategist. USA Today reports that he is one of only three evangelical leaders to have accurately predicted Donald Trump's Presidency. Dr. Wallnau's best selling book, "Gods Chaos Candidate" is credited as being the catalyst that mobilized thousands of Christian's to…… Read More

Dr. Kandiss Taylor: Standing for Truth and Rights

Kandiss Taylor

Dr. Kandiss Taylor is a South Georgia native and is currently employed as an educator with a local Board of Education where she has been for the past 19 years.… Read More… Read More

Bishop E.W. Jackson: Proclaiming America’s Foundational Truths

E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson is a true believer. He believes in God, in the vision and ideal that birthed America, and in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the spiritual and intellectual well from which our Declaration and Constitution were drawn. A former foster child, he symbolizes the hope ignited by freedom and the…… Read More

William J. “Bill” Federer: Putting Events Into Historical Perspective

William J. ‘Bill’ Federer

WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations…… Read More

Jason Yates: Biblical Worldview Voting

Jason Yates

Jason Yates has over 25 years of proven leadership experience in strategy development, marketing, and product development from Fortune 100 companies. In 2015, his passion to see Christians act on their faith to make a difference in their communities and our nation led him to leave corporate America and assume the…… Read More