Col. Ray Moore, Ret. on Prayer, Revival & Christian Education!

E. Ray Moore

E. Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.),has served for over forty years in pastoral ministry as a campus pastor, a congregational minister, an Army Chaplain or Director of a… Read More… Read More

Michael Farris on Defending Our Rights and More!

Michael Farris

Michael P. Farris is president, CEO, and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom. As the second CEO of ADF, he brings to the role a diverse background as an effective litigator, educator, public advocate, and communicator, and is widely recognized for his successful work on both the national and international…… Read More

Steve Cassell on Opening Churches: A View from the Frontlines & More!

Steve Cassell

Steve began his journey of faith just after graduating from Forreston High School in North-Western Illinois when he and his wife Kay were radically saved as just teenagers by an… Read More… Read More

Mario Murillo on COVID-19: The Occasion for Testimony & More!

Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was far different from…… Read More

Tony Perkins on Faith in Culture & More!

Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996… Read More… Read More

David & Tim Barton on Maintaining Liberty in Global Pandemic & More!

David Barton

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage.… Read More… Read More

Kamal Saleem on Equipping Progress in the Middle East & More!

Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem was born to a large Sunni Muslim family in the heart of the Middle East. Kamal was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood at an early age and completed his first mission to Israel at the age of seven. He continued to work on behalf of Islamic Jihad all…… Read More

Alex McFarland on Equipping Christians to Defend Their Faith & More!

Alex McFarland

As a speaker, writer, and advocate for Christian apologetics, Alex McFarland has spoken in hundreds of locations throughout the US and abroad. He has preached in over 1,500 different churches throughout North America and internationally, and has been featured at conferences such as The Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus…… Read More

George Barna on Trends in Culture, the Church & More!

George Barna

George Barna has filled executive roles in politics, marketing, advertising, media development, research and ministry. He founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now The Barna Group) and helped it become a leading marketing research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture before selling it in 2009. Through…… Read More