William J. Federer on the White House Leftist Agenda and More!

William J. ‘Bill’ Federer

WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations…… Read More

David and Tim Barton Discuss the New Administration

David Barton

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage.… Read More… Read More

David Riffel and Ken Davis on Culture Impact Teams and More!

Ken Davis

Ken was a small business owner in Wisconsin with a young family when God called he and his wife Andrea to Colorado . . . a place they had never been.  He closed his business, packed up his family and moved to Colorado Springs in 2008 where they now live…… Read More

Pastor Bob Emrich on Preserving Biblical Truths in Today’s Culture and More!

Bob Emrich

Pastor Bob Emrich has served as Pastor of Emmanuel Bible Baptist Church in Plymouth, Maine since 1993. During that time, he also worked as an educator and as Chief of Staff for the Republicans in the Maine State Senate. He serves on the Board of Directors for National Right to…… Read More

Lt. Col. Allen West on The Next Four Years and More!

Lt. Col. Allen West

Lt. Col. West believes it will be principled constitutional conservative policies, not politics, which secures a sound economic future for Americans – with growth, opportunity and returning the promise of the American dream for this generation and those to come.… Read More… Read More

Lance Wallnau on Prophetic Insights and the Road Ahead!

Lance Wallnau

Dr. Wallnau is an internationally recognized speaker, business and political strategist. USA Today reports that he is one of only three evangelical leaders to have accurately predicted Donald Trump's Presidency. Dr. Wallnau's best selling book, "Gods Chaos Candidate" is credited as being the catalyst that mobilized thousands of Christian's to…… Read More

Pastor Ché Ahn on Standing Up For Freedom and More!

Ché Ahn

Ché Ahn and his wife, Sue, are the Founders and Senior Pastors of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, CA, since 1994. Ché is the Founder and President of Harvest International Ministry, a global revival and reformation movement in over 65 nations with the common vision of “Changing Lives, Transforming Cities,…… Read More

Mat Staver on If Our Sacred Freedoms Are Actually Secure and More!

Mat Staver

Mat Staver serves as Senior Pastor, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel; Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Faith and Liberty, National Pro-life Center, Freedom Federation, Salt & Light Council, and National House of Hope; Founder and Chairman of Liberty Relief International; Vice President and Chief Counsel of the National Hispanic…… Read More

Alex McFarland on This Moment In Our History and More!

Alex McFarland

As a speaker, writer, and advocate for Christian apologetics, Alex McFarland has spoken in hundreds of locations throughout the US and abroad. He has preached in over 1,500 different churches throughout North America and internationally, and has been featured at conferences such as The Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus…… Read More