Showing 19 results for Media Relations

Christian advocacy

Luke Ball
Luke Ball is a Republican political strategist and the CEO of Masonboro Strategies. He is also a political commentator and VICTORY News contributor. Prior to founding Masonboro Strategies, Luke has served as a congressional staffer, deputy campaign manager and deputy digital director, has served as a spokesperson for President Trump’s Save America rallies, and advised […]

Christian leadership

Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council.  He is a national bestselling author of three books: Rebuilding America: A Prescription For Creating Strong Families, Building The Wealth Of Working People, And Ending Welfare; The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency; and Resurgent: How Constitutional […]

academic freedom

Cynthia Dunbar
Cynthia Dunbar, an American patriot of Native-American descent, is an author, public speaker, attorney, Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Education, and founder of Awakening Arise. Formerly, she was the elected RNC National Committeewoman for the state of Virginia, an elected member of the Texas State Board of Education, Vice President of Curriculum […]

Biblical Worldview

Bob Trent
Bob Trent serves as vice president of public relations with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, Trent oversees all media and public relations efforts for the organization. Prior to joining ADF, Trent was an anchor and reporter for ABC affiliate radio station KTAR in Phoenix, Arizona. He has held a variety of roles in broadcast, […]

Biblical Worldview

Bill Yoh
A lifelong writer and award-winning author, Bill Yoh has published two books, as well as business and literary articles and original poetry. Our Way, his first book, received a Gold Award from the Nonfiction Writers Association. His second book, Unvarnished Faith, about a mission trip to Nicaragua and the life lessons it yielded, is now […]

Biblical Values

People Are Taking a Stand Against Pride and Perversion
We’re in the time of year when we are preparing to celebrate the birth of this nation and everything it stands for on July 4, Independence Day. We’re also coming out of a time when the ungodly have been promoting sexual perversion as part of their Pride Month. I’ll tell you, we’re at a tipping […]


They Are Coming for Our Children. Let’s Stop Them at the School Boards. 
On November 7, elections for local school boards will occur in communities all over America. Many of the public schools of this nation have been co-opted by the radical, LGBTQ lobby and their powerful allies to be used to sexualize and indoctrinate children into a distorted and harmful view of sexuality. Will you protect our kids this […]


Christians Need to Stand for Free Speech Against Ungodly Censorship
Free speech is under attack in America like never before.    All Americans, but most especially Christians, must stand united in defense of this sacred and unalienable right. Freedom of speech is a Christian concept rooted in biblical principles. America’s Founding Fathers recognized this and enshrined it in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, alongside […]


Biden’s Orwellian Censorship Agency Targets ‘Disinformation’ on the Right
Since when is free speech the enemy of truth? When a government decides it has a monopoly on truth, anything other than the party line can be deemed false and dangerous. The recent purchase of Twitter by the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, sent shockwaves through the culture. A social libertarian and successful entrepreneur, Musk […]