Cynthia Dunbar

Cynthia Dunbar, an American patriot of Native-American descent, is an author, public speaker, attorney, Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Education, and founder of Awakening Arise. Formerly, she was the elected RNC National Committeewoman for the state of Virginia, an elected member of the Texas State Board of Education, Vice President of Curriculum and Instruction for Global Educational Ventures, Assistant Professor of Law and Advisor to the Provost of Liberty University.

In 2008 Dunbar released her first book, One Nation Under God. This book, a treatise on the historical decline of America, underscores the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation. Her second book, Attributes of America, an academic primer on our Constitutional Republic, was released July 2015. She also released 2 booklets, God’s Heart for Government, July 2018, and My Liberties, July 2020.

Dunbar has been extensively involved in Educational Public Policy and Governmental Relations. In 2006 she was elected to the highly influential Texas State Board of Education. She was instrumental in preserving academic freedom in the biology classroom and restoring historical accuracy in social studies. She served on the Platform Committee at the 2016 RNC National Convention and has been responsible for several key policy resolutions and planks within the Platform, including reaffirming the supremacy of parental rights to protect their children from exposure to inappropriate curriculum content.

She has received both national and international media attention including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, PBS, Dateline, Dateline Australia, Norwegian International Radio, BBC Radio and the London Guardian, among others. She has been featured in the New York Times Magazine, on Hardball with Chris Matthews, frequently seen on Fox News and was a regular contributor addressing educational policy issues on Fox and Friends. She wears as a badge of ho…