Bryce Pico
My Faith Votes Weekly Intersect West Virginia Implements Nation’s ‘Most Expansive’ School Choice Program By Helping Pay For Private, Homeschool State Department Disbands Trump-Era Commission That Heightened Importance Of Religious… Read More
Bryce Pico
My Faith Votes Weekly Intersect The Biden Administration Is Developing A National Coronavirus ‘Vaccine-Passport’ Program For Americans Sweeping Changes To Georgia Elections Signed Into Law Sixth Circuit Sides with Christian… Read More
Truth & Liberty Staff
Driven by identity politics and leftist ideology, the Biden-Harris Administration is making drastic changes to the United States military that risk diverting its focus away from its primary responsibilities. Lt.… Read More
Truth & Liberty Staff
Free speech in America is under attack, especially when that speech counters “woke culture.” Leftists are “cancelling” those who disagree with their ideology, all in the name of “wokeism.” Bishop… Read More
Truth & Liberty Staff
With the Biden-Harris Administration positioning itself to be the most pro-abortion in history, there is much to be concerned about. Xavier Becerra is poised to secretary of Health and Human… Read More