Faith and Conservatism Are Key to Preserving American Values March 24, 2021 | Truth & Liberty Staff Conservatism has been a target of the left for many years, but since a new administration entered the White House it has come under fire as anti-democratic and un-American. Former Congressman Randy Forbes, president of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, joined Andrew Wommack and Richard Harris on a recent Truth & Liberty live cast to discuss a number of issues, including the importance of Christian conservatism in America. “The greatest fight we are in today is the fight for faith, both personally and as a nation,” says Congressman Forbes. The Roots of Conservatism As a nation, we cannot separate conservatism from faith. The Founding Fathers understood that we could not preserve a constitutional republic without first recognizing that the people’s rights come from God. According to Congressman Forbes, for many years there were conservatives who wanted to have nothing to do with faith, and would only pay lip service to their constituents. Also, there were people of faith who wanted nothing to do with government. What we see today is a marriage of Christians and conservatives because they need each other to exist. “Conservatism at its core is the belief that a majority of the people with power cannot change certain rights,” says Congressman Forbes. “There are certain authorities that are even above them.” People cannot believe that, unless they have faith to believe that there is a God – something greater than man. “Throw out faith, and I think you lose conservatism in America,” says Congressman Forbes. Faith is the Foundation According to Congressman Forbes, that’s where liberalism is so different, because liberals believe if you have a majority of the people in power, you can make good things bad and bad things good simply by voting for it. Liberals may not believe in God, so they also may not believe in absolute truth. When they are in power, liberals can just ‘move the goalposts’ to suit their ends – calling “evil good and good evil” (Is. 5:20). “Conservatism really is a belief in the principles that are enshrined in the Declaration [of Independence],” says Richard Harris, executive director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. “And how does it begin? ‘That we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ So, you’ve got to have faith – it’s the foundational understanding.” Learn More Learn more about the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation at its website. Check out the Religious Freedom Measures Toolkit. Also, visit the Faith Report for news updates. Watch the full episode at the Truth & Liberty website. Visit our Research Center for great practical resources. Also, learn how you can become a Truth & Liberty Coalition member and join us in standing for truth in the public square.