Showing 20 results for freedom advocacy

Biblical Principles

Faith2Action (F2A) is a Christian organization that works to influence public policy and culture through prayer, education, and action. The group focuses on pro-life advocacy, traditional family values, and religious freedom. Faith2Action mobilizes believers to engage in the political process, offering resources, legislative updates, and action alerts to help Christians stand for biblical principles in […]

Christian Values

Family Policy Alliance – FPA
Family Policy Alliance is a Christian organization that promotes policies supporting life, family, and religious freedom in America. They work to influence legislation, mobilize citizens, and provide resources for those who wish to engage in the political process from a biblical perspective. The organization focuses on issues such as pro-life advocacy, parental rights, and religious […]

Christian conservative

Family Research Council (FRC)
The Family Research Council (FRC) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for a culture in which human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives. The organization provides research, policy analysis, and advocacy on issues related to life, marriage, family, and religious freedom from a Christian conservative perspective. For more information, visit Family Research […]

Christian Values

FRC Action
FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council, focused on advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy. The organization engages in grassroots mobilization, voter education, and advocacy to influence legislation and elections in alignment with Christian conservative values. For more information, visit FRC Action.

American Values

Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank dedicated to promoting public policies based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. The organization provides research, analysis, and advocacy on a wide range of issues including economics, government reform, education, national security, and more. For more information, visit […]

Christian Values

Liberty Counsel
Liberty Counsel is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family through legal advocacy, education, and public policy initiatives. The organization provides legal representation and support to individuals and groups facing challenges related to their religious beliefs, working to protect constitutional rights and promote Christian values in the […]

biblical teaching

Tamra Farah
Tamra Farah serves as President of American Strategies, her re-tooled ten-year PR and communications consultancy, focusing on education and other policy-related initiatives. Tamra has extensive candidate campaign experience, including consulting and communications for local, state, and federal campaigns, and early in her career as the Oakland County Michigan campaign director to stop tax-funded abortions in […]

Biblical Worldview

Summer Ingram
Summer came to Liberty Counsel from the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF), where she was National Director of Prayer and Mobilization and most recently Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Prayer Outreach. During her 15-year tenure at CPCF, she helped build and support the American Prayer Caucus Network (a national network of federal and state […]

Christian leadership

Michael Farris
Michael P. Farris is president, CEO, and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom. As the second CEO of ADF, he brings to the role a diverse background as an effective litigator, educator, public advocate, and communicator, and is widely recognized for his successful work on both the national and international stage. Farris was the founding […]