Showing 8 results for academic freedom

academic freedom

Walter Daugherity
Dr. Walter C. Daugherity is a computer consultant and also Senior Lecturer Emeritus in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. He graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a degree in mathematics, and then earned master’s and doctor’s degrees from Harvard University, which he attended on a Prize Fellowship from the […]

American Values

Ben Carson
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., is Founder and Chairman of the American Cornerstone Institute, a new think tank / do tank whose mission is to promote the 4 founding principles which are cornerstones of our country: faith, liberty, community, and life as well as pursue common sense solutions that challenge conventional groupthink. He most recently […]

American Values

David Horowitz
David Horowitz grew up a “red diaper baby” in a communist community in Sunnyside, Queens. He studied literature at Columbia, taking classes from Lionel Trilling, and became a “new leftist” during the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. He did his graduate work in Chinese and English at the University of California, arriving in Berkeley […]

academic freedom

Cynthia Dunbar
Cynthia Dunbar, an American patriot of Native-American descent, is an author, public speaker, attorney, Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Education, and founder of Awakening Arise. Formerly, she was the elected RNC National Committeewoman for the state of Virginia, an elected member of the Texas State Board of Education, Vice President of Curriculum […]

Christian education

Cathy Ruse
Cathy Ruse, JD has devoted her career to promoting the dignity of the human person, a career that spans the fields of communication, public policy, law, and language remediation. With over twenty years’ experience in the complicated legal areas of abortion, bioethics, and family, religious liberty, pornography, and free speech, Mrs. Ruse is uniquely equipped […]


What is the Great Reset (and Why Should We Care)?
The “Great Reset” is an initiative launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 that aims to dismantle free enterprise and enforce radical leftist social change across the globe. To put it bluntly, it is a great evil of biblical proportions.  Proponents of the Great Reset often play the “conspiracy-theory” card to silence those calling attention […]

1619 Project

Left-Wing Organization Replaces Historical Truth at Revered Sites with Agenda-Driven Narrative
Richard Harris is executive director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. We seek to educate, unify and mobilize believers in Jesus Christ to affect the reformation of nations through the seven mountains of cultural influence. The attack on America’s moral and historical foundation has intensified. To radical left-wing activists, dishonest media, and globalist elites, nothing is […]


Bishop E.W. Jackson: An American Story
E.W Jackson is president of STAND Foundation, Inc., nationally syndicated radio talk show host for The Awakening on American Family Radio, Marine Corps Veteran, 2013 Republican Nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia, bishop of THE CALLED Churches, and retired attorney. My history is part of the American story. I am an American descended from […]