Showing 20 results for Social Science

Biblical Worldview

Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996 Recognized as the leading conservative and pro-life […]

biblical teaching

Mark A. Elsasser
Mark A. Elsasser started politics in 2009 as co-founder and Communications Officer for College Republicans at Louisiana Tech University. There he designed graphics, including t-shirts, posters, and pamphlets, and engaged in campus debates around healthcare reform. He helped organize a drive to collect hundreds of petitions from students urging Senator Mary Landrieu to oppose the […]

Christian leadership

Pat Fagan
Dr. Pat Fagan has been a grade school teacher, a clinical therapist specializing in child, family and marital therapy. During his career he has been Executive Director of the Free Congress Foundation, a member of the staff of Senator Dan Coats of Indiana, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Family and Social Policy at HHS under President […]

Christian education

Cathy Ruse
Cathy Ruse, JD has devoted her career to promoting the dignity of the human person, a career that spans the fields of communication, public policy, law, and language remediation. With over twenty years’ experience in the complicated legal areas of abortion, bioethics, and family, religious liberty, pornography, and free speech, Mrs. Ruse is uniquely equipped […]

biological perspective

Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
The “Sexuality and Gender” report by Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh examines scientific research on sexual orientation and gender identity from biological, psychological, and social perspectives. The report challenges common assumptions about the innate and fixed nature of sexual orientation and gender identity, highlighting the complexities and fluidity of these concepts. It also […]

Catholic Church

Diocesan Planning Suggestions for Faithful Citizenship
The USCCB’s Diocesan Planning Suggestions page offers guidance for dioceses on how to promote the teachings of “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.” It includes strategies for educating parishioners about their civic responsibilities, encouraging voter registration, and integrating social teaching into parish life. The page emphasizes the importance of prayer, education, and action to engage the […]


Gay Nationalists— Buttigieg and ‘husband’ proselytize youth 
Remember the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir and their 2021 video singing, “We’re coming for your children?” Remember that?  At the time, as many conservatives and “traditional morality” voices expressed concern, with equal conviction many voices essentially retorted, “Chill out!  Can’t you people take a joke?” But for the “Gay Nationalists” working to groom America’s youth […]


They Are Coming for Our Children. Let’s Stop Them at the School Boards. 
On November 7, elections for local school boards will occur in communities all over America. Many of the public schools of this nation have been co-opted by the radical, LGBTQ lobby and their powerful allies to be used to sexualize and indoctrinate children into a distorted and harmful view of sexuality. Will you protect our kids this […]


Christians Need to Stand for Free Speech Against Ungodly Censorship
Free speech is under attack in America like never before.    All Americans, but most especially Christians, must stand united in defense of this sacred and unalienable right. Freedom of speech is a Christian concept rooted in biblical principles. America’s Founding Fathers recognized this and enshrined it in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, alongside […]