Showing 11 results for Faith-Based Media

Biblical Worldview

Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996 Recognized as the leading conservative and pro-life […]

Biblical Storytelling

Steve Cleary
Steve Cleary started his work in missions in 1989 as a volunteer for The Voice of the Martyrs. He joined the staff in 1990 and soon after had the honor of traveling with VOM founders Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand. Being able to spend the last decade of their lives with them became the biggest blessing […]

Biblical Storytelling

Robert & Elizabeth Muren
Robert & Elizabeth Muren: Robert and Elizabeth met while teaching at a school in Norway. After marrying, they quit their jobs and moved to Jerusalem in 1999. For the next decade, they traveled in thirteen countries with a musical drama called The Covenant, using song, music, and dance to tell the story of God’s love […]

Biblical Worldview

Paul Lodato
When General Manager Paul Lodato took the helm of Southwest Florida’s Christian Television Network station (formerly WRXY-TV) in 2005, he was the youngest general manager in the history of the CTN family of television stations, founded in 1979. Under Paul’s leadership, the fledgling station that began broadcasting from a barn situated in the middle of […]

biblical teaching

Paul Crouch Jr.
Paul Crouch Jr.’s career in Christian broadcasting is second to none. He currently provides management, technical and creative consulting services for. GodTV, Impact Network, TCT Network and many others. Paul is also known for his long association with the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) which was founded by his parents, Paul Sr. and Jan Crouch. Under […]

Biblical Worldview

Lucas Miles
Lucas Miles is a trusted voice in the American church who has consistently addressed some of the most challenging topics in theology, politics, and culture. He hosts The Epoch Times’, Church & State with Lucas Miles, which was named the 2023 “Program of the Year” by the National Religious Broadcasters organization. Lucas has been syndicated in articles […]

Biblical Worldview

Gene Bailey
Gene Bailey currently hosts the VICTORY Channel original programs: FlashPoint and Revival Radio TV. He serves as an executive director at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and VICTORY Channel, an executive pastor at Eagle Mountain Int’l Church, as an assistant vice president at Kenneth Copeland Bible College and as a professor of revival history. With a long […]

Biblical Worldview

Bob Trent
Bob Trent serves as vice president of public relations with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, Trent oversees all media and public relations efforts for the organization. Prior to joining ADF, Trent was an anchor and reporter for ABC affiliate radio station KTAR in Phoenix, Arizona. He has held a variety of roles in broadcast, […]

Biblical Worldview

Bill Yoh
A lifelong writer and award-winning author, Bill Yoh has published two books, as well as business and literary articles and original poetry. Our Way, his first book, received a Gold Award from the Nonfiction Writers Association. His second book, Unvarnished Faith, about a mission trip to Nicaragua and the life lessons it yielded, is now […]