Meet Our Guests

Brigitte Gabriel

BRIGITTE GABRIEL is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living… Read More… Read More


Amber Haskew

Amber Haskew serves as Director of Public Policy for Liberty Counsel Action, where she employs investigative reporting, policy analysis and copy writing to advance religious freedom, the sanctity of human… Read More… Read More


Summer Ingram

Summer Ingram is Vice President of Strategic Affairs at Liberty Counsel Action. Summer came to Liberty Counsel from the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF), where she was National Director of… Read More… Read More


E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson is a true believer. He believes in God, in the vision and ideal that birthed America, and in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the spiritual and intellectual well from which our Declaration and Constitution were drawn. A former foster child, he symbolizes the hope ignited by freedom and the…… Read More