April 20, 2020

Alex McFarland: Equipping Christians to Defend Their Faith

Tune in as Andrew Wommack and Richard Harris host Alex McFarland. Alex is a Christian apologist, author, evangelist, religion and culture analyst, and advocate for biblical truth who speaks worldwide.

Join us as they discuss: Alex coming joining Charis to teach students biblical worldview, and parents sending their children to Charis for at least one year; college being a 4-year attack on America and God; apologetics—explaining and defending the Christian faith; the pandemic being a possible platform to undermine religious freedom; national healthcare; what it would be like if Hilary had been elected; the 600 million surveillance cameras in China and liberals trying to do that here; Pelosi’s antics in holding up more stimulus money; Biden’s pro-abortion stance; understanding and living life through the lens of Scripture; your ability to vote being a responsibility; fasting and praying for the 2020 election, and building relationships with unbelievers; and much more!

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