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Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Bonhoeffer, and many other books, including Is Atheism Dead?, Martin Luther, Amazing Grace, and Letter to the American Church.… Read More… Read More


Alex McFarland

As a speaker, writer, and advocate for Christian apologetics, Alex McFarland has spoken in hundreds of locations throughout the US and abroad. He has preached in over 1,500 different churches throughout North America and internationally, and has been featured at conferences such as The Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus…… Read More

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A movement that promotes the true reformation & flourishing of nations.

spheres of societal influence

The 7 Mountain Mandate, a powerful, transformative campaign intended to bring about social transformation. The Kingdom of God is enormous – far bigger than your family or local church.

To deliver the truth of God’s Kingdom and unite the Body of Christ with the world at large, we believe we have a mandate to bring Godly change to our world, through the seven spheres of societal influence.