Showing 11 results for former teacher

biblical teaching

Rigo Mendez
Rigo Mendez, the Hispanic Director for Colorado Family Action and CFA Foundation, uses his passion to empower Hispanics to engage their values in their local communities. Rigo believes faith and family are the cornerstones of society and that Hispanics understand that preserving and strengthening this model is essential to our future. Rigo’s is a public […]

Christian leadership

Vicky Hartzler
Vicky Hartzler is a wife, mother, life-long farmer, small business owner and a former public-school teacher with a passion for life and service to God and others.  Serving as a Missouri state representative from 1995-2001 and in Congress from 2011-2023, Vicky proved to be an effective legislator and a tireless champion for her constituents at […]

child protection

Erin Lee
Erin Lee is the mother of three children in Northern Colorado, a proud Army wife, a full-time HR Manager, Writer, Speaker, and the Founder of She and her husband have become vocal advocates for parental rights after their little girl was recruited by her trusted Art teacher into a secret gender & sexuality meeting […]

Christian leadership

Doug Lamborn
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE – COLORADO Born in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1954, Doug had service-before-self instilled in him at an early age by his father, a World War II combat veteran and a corrections officer at the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. After meeting his wife Jeanie, Doug graduated from the University of Kansas with a Journalism Degree (as […]

Capitol Hill

Christy Stutzman
Mrs. Christy Stutzman is a small-business owner, a music composer, and a former teacher and state legislator. She has written for multiple news organizations including The Washington Times, The Daily Signal and is a featured opinion writer for the Washington Stand by Family Research Council. As the wife of a member of Congress, she traveled […]

biblical teaching

Calvin Johnson
Calvin Johnson is the co-founder of The Transformation Project, an organization committed to raising up “elite” entrepreneurs in underserved communities and the low-income workforce. His mission in life is to help people discover and live within the context of their designed framework to experience their best life. His unique ability to reveal hidden possibilities, unrealized […]

Christian activism

Bill Redmond
William Thomas “Bill” Redmond is a former Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from New Mexico. Bill was born in Chicago, graduated from Lincoln Christian College in 1979 with a Bachelors in Christian Ministry, and Lincoln Christian Seminary in 1988 with a Masters of Divinity in Theology and Philosophy. Redmond is an […]


They Are Coming for Our Children. Let’s Stop Them at the School Boards. 
On November 7, elections for local school boards will occur in communities all over America. Many of the public schools of this nation have been co-opted by the radical, LGBTQ lobby and their powerful allies to be used to sexualize and indoctrinate children into a distorted and harmful view of sexuality. Will you protect our kids this […]


Chilling Recording of Abortion Shows Fight for the Unborn Is Not Over
[WARNING: The following report contains descriptive information about the abortion procedure, which some readers may find disturbing.]   The overturning of the Roe v Wade decision this past summer was a time of great rejoicing amongst pro-life advocates. But a recent National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast featuring the audio recording of an abortion performed in Michigan […]