Showing 5 results for Media Production

Biblical Worldview

Paul Lodato
When General Manager Paul Lodato took the helm of Southwest Florida’s Christian Television Network station (formerly WRXY-TV) in 2005, he was the youngest general manager in the history of the CTN family of television stations, founded in 1979. Under Paul’s leadership, the fledgling station that began broadcasting from a barn situated in the middle of […]

Christian activism

Brigitte Gabriel
BRIGITTE GABRIEL is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living in an 8×10 underground bomb shelter from the age of 10 until 17 years old. She lectures nationally and internationally, and her expertise is sought […]

Christian Filmmaking

Andrei Senderov
Andrei Senderov, born on May 11, 1984, originally from Ukraine, discovered his faith in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) in 1996. Embracing their Jewish heritage, Andrei’s family relocated to Israel in 1999. After serving as a commander and ambulance driver in the Israeli army from 2002 to 2005, Andrei pursued theological studies at the EMF School of […]


What is the Great Reset (and Why Should We Care)?
The “Great Reset” is an initiative launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 that aims to dismantle free enterprise and enforce radical leftist social change across the globe. To put it bluntly, it is a great evil of biblical proportions.  Proponents of the Great Reset often play the “conspiracy-theory” card to silence those calling attention […]


The End Is Not Nigh: Exposing Earth Day Prophets
In recent years, many gloom-and-doom climate change activists have made remarkable claims about the future of our planet. If you listen to teenager Greta Thunberg, Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Joe Biden’s climate expert John Kerry, you may think we only have several years until the earth comes to an end, and humanity with it. […]