Showing 12 results for Education Reform

American Values

Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank dedicated to promoting public policies based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. The organization provides research, analysis, and advocacy on a wide range of issues including economics, government reform, education, national security, and more. For more information, visit […]

biblical teaching

Tamra Farah
Tamra Farah serves as President of American Strategies, her re-tooled ten-year PR and communications consultancy, focusing on education and other policy-related initiatives. Tamra has extensive candidate campaign experience, including consulting and communications for local, state, and federal campaigns, and early in her career as the Oakland County Michigan campaign director to stop tax-funded abortions in […]

Christian leadership

Mark Baisley
State Senator Mark Baisley serves the 4th Senate District of Colorado, which includes Douglas and Teller counties.   He has a 40-year career in information technology in aerospace, defense, education, and financial services, and currently serves as president of Slipglass Inc., an engineering software firm.   Mark was founding president of the board of the STEM School […]

Christian leadership

Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council.  He is a national bestselling author of three books: Rebuilding America: A Prescription For Creating Strong Families, Building The Wealth Of Working People, And Ending Welfare; The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency; and Resurgent: How Constitutional […]

Biblical Worldview

Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee is the host of the TV show “Huckabee” on TBN each weekend and is a Fox News contributor, NY Times best-selling author of 12 books, and a frequent speaker for corporate, civic, and non-profit groups all over the world. He was the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996 until 2007, becoming one of […]

child protection

Erin Lee
Erin Lee is the mother of three children in Northern Colorado, a proud Army wife, a full-time HR Manager, Writer, Speaker, and the Founder of She and her husband have become vocal advocates for parental rights after their little girl was recruited by her trusted Art teacher into a secret gender & sexuality meeting […]

American Values

David Horowitz
David Horowitz grew up a “red diaper baby” in a communist community in Sunnyside, Queens. He studied literature at Columbia, taking classes from Lionel Trilling, and became a “new leftist” during the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. He did his graduate work in Chinese and English at the University of California, arriving in Berkeley […]

Christian leadership

Byron Donalds
Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Byron Donalds is the product of a single-parent household. Throughout his life, his mother made every sacrifice possible in order to give him the best opportunity at the American Dream. That philosophy his mother taught him, striving to leave future generations better than the current, is what leads […]

1619 Project

Left-Wing Organization Replaces Historical Truth at Revered Sites with Agenda-Driven Narrative
Richard Harris is executive director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. We seek to educate, unify and mobilize believers in Jesus Christ to affect the reformation of nations through the seven mountains of cultural influence. The attack on America’s moral and historical foundation has intensified. To radical left-wing activists, dishonest media, and globalist elites, nothing is […]