Showing 4 results for Curriculum Development

Biblical Worldview

Ben Quine
Ben Quine is a Biblical Worldview author and speaker, and serves as the Vice President of Christians Engaged, a nation-wide discipleship and civic engagement ministry. His Bible studies in the Answers for Difficult Days series equip churches and individual believers to address the hot-topic issues our culture is wrestling with today, from the foundation of […]

Cathy Ruse

Sex Education In Public Schools: Sexualization Of Children & LGBT Indoctrination
The “Sexuality and Gender” report by the Family Research Council discusses how sex education in public schools has evolved into a tool for sexualizing children and promoting LGBT indoctrination. The report highlights the shift from traditional education on human development to a curriculum that includes explicit content, encourages early sexual activity, and normalizes LGBTQ lifestyles. […]


They Are Coming for Our Children. Let’s Stop Them at the School Boards. 
On November 7, elections for local school boards will occur in communities all over America. Many of the public schools of this nation have been co-opted by the radical, LGBTQ lobby and their powerful allies to be used to sexualize and indoctrinate children into a distorted and harmful view of sexuality. Will you protect our kids this […]


Study: How Prevalent Is A Biblical Worldview In America?
A recent survey conducted by Dr. George Barna finds that only 6 percent of Americans hold a thoroughly Christian worldview, but biblical ideas continue to hold the top spot in American culture compared to other beliefs. Whether you know it or not, everyone has a worldview—a lens through which you see the world. It is […]