Showing 5 results for Christian Statistics

Biblical Worldview

George Barna
George Barna has filled executive roles in politics, marketing, advertising, media development, research and ministry. He founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now The Barna Group) and helped it become a leading marketing research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture before selling it in 2009. Through the Barna Group, George has […]

Biblical Values

People Are Taking a Stand Against Pride and Perversion
We’re in the time of year when we are preparing to celebrate the birth of this nation and everything it stands for on July 4, Independence Day. We’re also coming out of a time when the ungodly have been promoting sexual perversion as part of their Pride Month. I’ll tell you, we’re at a tipping […]


The Harmful Effects of Pornography: America’s Moral Crisis
“As a woman, I think porn is a disgrace,” pop music star Billie Eilish recently told shock jock Howard Stern. The 19-year-old Grammy award winner went on to share the mental and emotional damage she has suffered from watching pornography starting at only 11 years old: I think it really destroyed my brain and I […]


Survey: Millennials Lack Direction, Hope, Biblical Worldview
Richard Harris is executive director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. We seek to educate, unify, and mobilize believers in Jesus Christ to affect the reformation of nations through the seven mountains of cultural influence. A recent survey led by renowned pollster George Barna shows that members of the Millennial generation in America – defined by […]


Richard Harris: Thank You, God, for America!
Richard Harris is executive director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. We seek to educate, unify, and mobilize believers in Jesus Christ to affect the reformation of nations through the seven mountains of cultural influence. Two hundred forty-five years ago last July, fifty-six Americans chosen by the legislative assemblies of the thirteen colonies, gathered in Philadelphia […]