Tommie Zito

Tommie Zito is an international itinerant Evangelist. He travels across America and throughout the world conducting crusades and revivals in churches and convention centers. In the past 10 years, his ministry has brought him to over 400 cities where over 1 million souls have made decisions for Christ, Hundreds of thousands have been touched by the fire of God, as well as tens of thousands individually trained and equipped to win their towns for Jesus.
Meetings are renowned for a real heavy presence of God. He is also founder of the American Awakening, a national movement to bring Christians together. In America, we are losing the battle as we see our children turning to pornography, drugs, and alternate lifestyles. Where are those who will pay the price to retrieve our children and see our nation re-established as One Nation, Under God?
The American Awakening is on a passionate and committed pursuit for God and for his people. Tommie Zito is stirring people’s hearts and spirits to impact communities all across America. He is a frequent guest on various national television and radio shows. He is an author, humanitarian, and entrepreneur. He resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with his wife Kimberly and their two daughters Lucca and Romey.