Stephanie Curry

Stephanie and her identical twin, Jackie, were born in inner-city LA when the crack-cocaine epidemic was just beginning to sweep the city. Their birth-mother was addicted to drugs and living in a garage throughout her pregnancy. After she gave birth, Stephanie’s birth mother snuck out the hospital window, abandoning her twin daughters to the state.

The twin-sisters were born almost two months premature, weighed only a pound and a half each, and would spend months in the hospital recovering from drug withdraw and surgeries. But God had a plan to give the twins a future and hope.

A few years later, both girls were adopted by their loving parents who gave them new names, a new family, and a new destiny. Stephanie believes God wove the very story of salvation into her life; showing her how He takes the abandoned, broken, and unwanted and accepts them into His family where they become wanted, beautiful, and priceless. The story of life, family, and adoption is why Stephanie has dedicated her career to advocating for policies that protect the right to life and the rights of families to have freedom to choose their own futures.

Currently, Stephanie Curry serves as the Manager of Public Policy with Family Policy Alliance, a national organization that promotes policy in a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished. Stephanie provides in-depth local, state and national legal analysis and legislative strategy for a network of 40 state-based family policy councils. She also supports the work of state legislators through drafting and analyzing legislation and providing other policy support. Stephanie specializes not only in the areas of adoption, life, and parental rights, but also religious freedom, sexual orientation, and gender identity, education, and more.

Stephanie Curry is a licensed attorney and received her Juris Doctor at CUNY School of Law. Stephanie enjoys time with her husband and twin boys.