Janet Porter

Janet Porter is the Founder and President of Faith2Action—formed to WIN the cultural war for life, liberty, and the family.

Porter is also the architect of the pro-life Heartbeat Bill which ensures that “if a heartbeat is detected the baby is protected.”

Heartbeat Bills have been introduced in 30 states and passed in fourteen (and counting): Arkansas (2013), North Dakota (2013), Iowa (2018), Mississippi (2019), Kentucky (2019), Ohio (2019), Missouri (2019), Louisiana (2019), Georgia (2019), Tennessee (2020), South Carolina, Oklahoma, Idaho, and Texas (2021). Heartbeat Bills have been introduced in 30 states including Arkansas, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Heartbeat Laws will ensure that instead of abortion stopping a beating heart, a beating heart will stop abortion.

The Federal Heartbeat Bill (HR 490) was introduced in January 2017, with 174 co-sponsors—more than any other pro-life bill. It was heard in the House Judiciary subcommittee, where 18-week-old unborn baby Lincoln Miller “testified” via ultrasound. It was re-introduced in the U.S. House (with the same bill number) in January 2019.

In 2015 Porter produced her first film which David Barton says “may be the most important documentary on marriage yet.” Light Wins: How to Overcome the Criminalization of Christianity, designed to enlighten and equip Christians to push back the darkness threatening marriage and our freedoms.

She has authored six books: A Heartbeat Away: How the Heartbeat Bill Will Pierce the Heart of Roe v. Wade and the Shocking Betrayal No One Saw Coming, The Criminalization of Christianity, True to Life, What’s a Girl to Do While Waiting for Mr. Right? Truth to Go, and :30 Seconds to Common Sense. Janet hosted a 60-second daily radio commentary which aired in more than 300 markets for nearly twenty years and a one-hour syndicated radio program for seven years.

Janet served as the National Director of the Center for Reclaiming America, founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy (1997-2002) and initiated the “Truth in Love Campaign” on homosexuality and Freedom of Speech in full-page newspaper and television ads, igniting hundreds of national and international interviews and ex-homosexuals featured on the cover of Newsweek Magazine.

Janet also served as Legislative Director of Ohio Right to Life (1988-1997) where she successfully lobbied for passage of the nation’s first Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, which sparked the national debate in Congress and throughout the country. She also secured passage of the Woman’s Right to Know Law (and 24 hour waiting period), Parental Consent, Fetal Homicide, clinic regulations, adoption reform, patient protection, and de-funding of abortion.

Janet has appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Fox News Martha MacCallum’s The Story, CNN’s Erin Burnett Outfront, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s Evening News, 20/20, Nightline, CBS This Morning, FOX News, Fox and Friends, Huckabee, The O’Reilly Factor, Greta Van Susteren, Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNN’s Inside Politics and CNN Headline News, as well as syndicated programs such as Hard Copy and Extra. Janet has been profiled in The New York Times, People magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the Miami Herald, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and named one of the 10 most fascinating faces in Miami Metro Magazine.

She has debated Jack Kevorkian, Planned Parenthood president, Gloria Feldt, National Organization of Women (NOW) president, Kim Gandy, former NOW president, Patricia Ireland, Elizabeth Birch, former President of The Human Rights Campaign, as well as spokespeople from the ACLU, NARAL, GLSEN, and atheist organizations.

Janet received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Christian Humanitarian Service from South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary. She graduated with honors from Cleveland State University with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Communication. She received the “Hero of the Faith Award” from Dr. Rick Scarborough’s Vision America, the “Eagle Award” from MorningStar Ministries, and the “Defender of Life Award” from the Justice Foundation, as well as the “Guardian of Life Award,” and “Genesis Award” from the National Religious Broadcasters for her daily radio commentaries.

Janet hosted the 2007 Values Voter Presidential Debate in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, described by Governor Mike Huckabee in his book, Do the Right Thing as: “the fairest and most objective of any of the debates we ever had in the entire campaign.” Janet served as a weekly columnist for WorldNetDaily, and was a daily contributor to BarbWire.com. She serves on the boards of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) and Morning Star Ministries and is a frequent speaker on life, marriage, and liberty.

What Others Have Said:

“Janet Porter is everything that we expect a leader to be. She is first and foremost a principled and courageous leader who is uncompromising in her core values. Bright, articulate, and charismatic…Janet is tough yet compassionate; charming yet direct, and wise yet humble.”

– Three-star General Jerry Boykin

“Janet Porter is a frontline warrior whom I respect highly. She has done as much to protect the sanctity of life as anyone I know. I’m also pleased to call her my friend.”

– James Dobson Ph.D. Founder and President James Dobson Family Institute

“I consider Janet Porter one of the most important figures in our culture today. You will too!”

– Governor Mike Huckabee

“Janet is the adrenaline in the body of Christ.” – Craig Roberts, KFAX, San Francisco, California

“… the spunky life of the pro-life movement …America’s liveliest pro-life champion … a great storyteller and public-policy comedienne… (with) a gift for making the pro-life position at once accessible and compelling … Janet Folger who engaged the abortion-rights champions, young and old, in the audience…was unbending, often confronting, but took up their often edgy challenges with a charming, even loving directness.” – David Reinhard, The Oregonian, February 12, 2006

“Janet Loves the word ‘impossible’…there are people around the country who can’t wait to see what Janet Folger is going to do next.”

– Michael Heaton, The Plain Dealer Magazine Cover Story, “Onward Christian Folger,” November 8, 1998

“She’s youthful and hip, but don’t underestimate Janet Folger. As the architect of a national ad campaign…this activist for the religious right is a force to be reckoned with.”

– Miami Herald, August 12, 1998

“She kicked my a—“

– Susannah Sagan, former Executive Director of the National Abortion Rights Action League       (NARAL), Ohio – Miami Herald, August 12, 1998

“She might be one of the best public speakers I’ve ever seen…She has an amazing gift for communication…”

– Mike Gonidakis, The chief opponent of the Heartbeat Bill. –Columbus Dispatch, December       11, 2016

“In the fight to preserve and defend family-friendly values in this age, I am comforted that Janet Folger is on our side.”

– Gary Bauer, American Values

“Janet’s not a breath of fresh air…but a gale force wind of fresh air. She brings life and laughter to your audience.”

– Todd Friel, Way of the Master Radio (formerly with Salem Radio, KKMS-Minneapolis)

“Janet Folger is a true leader in the battle for life. She will leave you with renewed confidence and courage to continue the fight.”

– The late U.S. Congressman Henry Hyde (R-IL)