Steve Cassell

Dr. Steve Cassell served as the “tip of the spear” in the state of Illinois when tyranny and fear culminated to capture freedom during the infamous COVID-19 pandemic. When the despotic oppression of State and Federal officials, intent on marginalizing and destroying the Christian moorings of society, unlawfully declared the Church as “non-essential” and attempted to shutter the gathering of the saints, Steve fought back as the first minister in the nation to take on the Goliath of government. Righteously empowered by the First Amendment and Godly resolve, Steve and Beloved Church were able to secure a Supreme Court victory for religious freedom that reverberated throughout the entire country, liberating the Church in America from the clutches of unlawful overreach. Now, Steve is invited as a National Speaker and Influencer for the Holy Cause of Liberty and the Finished Work of Jesus Christ (Tetelestai). Steve Cassell Ministries (SCM) is growing into a connecting point for authentic Christian Patriots to change the nation and world through local action and national impact.

Dr. Steve humbly holds the position of Professor of Pastoral Studies for Covenant Theological Seminary, the largest Spirit-led seminary accrediting school in the nation. As a published author and nationally known influencer, he has had the opportunity to inspire multitudes into repentance and sincere engagement against the insidious actors and ungodly agenda plaguing our land. These inspired citizens have been actively engaging in society, government, and politics to tear down oppressive and tyrannical intrusions into the church and the American Republic. SCM has provided, free of charge, multiple thousands of “Pocket Constitutions” to families and groups in all fifty states as an outreach to protect the enshrined freedoms instituted by God through the Gospel and the Founding Fathers.

In 2011 he founded Beloved Church. This church was intended to be built on the New Testament model of discipleship and raw Kingdom culture dynamics. During these years of church growth and personal development, Steve also attended Charis Bible College through the Continuing Education for Ministers program. He also successfully obtained his Master’s of Executive Leadership through Destiny College International which then culminated into a Doctorate in Ministry through Covenant Theological Seminary where he humbly serves as the professor of Biblical Studies and Pastoral Studies. His vast experience in hands-on ministry, business expertise, and current pastoral success gives him a unique portfolio of talents to offer the Kingdom and his King. To properly balance his value in the Kingdom, Steve has been covenantally committed in marriage since 1995 to his bride Kay and has parented two children in loving devotion.