Johnny Hunter

Dr. Johnny M. Hunter was born in Goshen Hill, South Carolina, in the back room of a house sitting on a hill. He is the grandson of James McClurkin, a descendant of a slave and a slave owner. The house still stands to this day and so does Dr. Hunter for the gospel of Life.

As an ordained Minister of the Gospel, Dr. Hunter is one of the pioneers in the ProLife movement. His efforts through the venerated Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.) has inspired many others to champion today’s most fundamental human rights–the right to Life. As President of L.E.A.R.N., Dr. Hunter has devoted his life to awakening the black church and the black community to the holocaust of abortion.

Dr. Johnny Hunter is an inspirational speaker, educator and consultant. For thirty years, he has given the invitational sermons at national Christian conferences, church celebrations and youth meetings. His fervent style of speaking is sought after for national banquets and conferences. Dr. Hunter has also spoken on college campuses across America and in South Africa. He is regularly sought after to advise and counsel new pro-life and pro-family organizations. He has been called upon to serve as a facilitator for racial healing and reconciliation.

The Primary reason that Life Education and Resource Networks (LEARN) exists is to ensure the survival of people of color and encourage Judeo-Christian family values when addressing bio-ethical issues. Our expertise comes in the form of the most valuable resources of all, human beings with experience. For those needing healing, we have those who have been healed and medical doctors whose work is healing.

We have those who help the poor, provide prenatal and parental training. We have watchmen on the walls who sound the warning and stop the thief. We have a Savior Who is willing to forgive. His name is Jesus. We have a Lord Who willing to reign in our lives. His name is Jesus. We have victory, and it is in the name of Jesus! Today, we stand on the brink of success.

Those working with LEARN have an opportunity to save the minority community which is on the verge of extinction. Data taken in 2004 set off the alarm; the birth of African Americans has dropped below replacement level. In order for a people to sustain themselves, they must have 2.1 children per couple. African Americans have 1.9 child per couple. This level is silently annihilating our communities.