Audrey Mack

Audrey Mack miraculously met the Lord and was saved in Cannes, France in 1985. In 1986, she followed His direction to leave France to go to Bible school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Audrey is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and Victory World Mission Center and has been in ministry since 1988. Her first love and desire is to know God, reflect Him, and serve Him. Her passion for God and her intimacy with the Holy Spirit enabled her to minister across five continents. Healed of bone cancer in 1999, Audrey has a burning desire to bring the message of grace, faith, and healing to this generation and to teach people how to receive healing and heal the sick. Her God-given mandate has taken her to the French-speaking nations of the world, most of which are dominated by atheism, Islam, or legalism. Her joy is to see people established in the Word and walking with the Holy Spirit so that with His help, they may become fruitful and fulfill their God-given destiny.