The End of Roe is Here: It’s Time to Rejoice and Be Ready

Andrew Wommack

Date posted: 06-24-2022

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Estimated Reading Time : 1:00

Andrew Wommack is president of the Truth & Liberty Coalition. He and other influential Christian leaders formed the Truth & Liberty Coalition to make a difference in culture by speaking about moral issues and dealing with current events.

Praise the Lord! After nearly 50 years, something Christians have been praying and believing for has finally come to pass.

The United States Supreme Court just issued a 6-3 majority decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case, which overturns the Roe v. Wade ruling that’s killed more than 63 million children since 1973.

This is a time of rejoicing and expressing our gratitude to the Lord for the brave men and women who defended the Constitution and made this decision, along with all the people who stood on the Word of God as they worked against abortion all these years!

Just think what would have happened if three godly justices—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—had not been appointed to the Supreme Court by President Donald Trump. Elections have consequences, and in this case it meant saving millions of lives by nominating three constitutionally conservative judges to sit on the highest court in the land. Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters, the house of our nation was built on the Gospel (Matt. 7:24-25). The Declaration of Independence was written using dozens of sermons from patriotic, Bible-preaching and -teaching pastors. Our Constitution was framed using ideas from the Word of God. Our Founders knew that our republic could be successful only if it was supported by a “moral and religious people.”

This ruling in the Dobbs case shows what happens when Christians take a stand for truth. When we as believers don’t compromise, get involved, and make an effort to turn our nation back toward biblical principles, good things will happen.

Over the years in January, around the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision, I’ve hosted a number of pro-life activists on my Gospel Truth television program. People like Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Melissa Ohden of Abortion Survivors Network, Marjorie Dannenfelser of SBA Pro-Life America, and others have fought tooth and toenail to get this ruling off the books.

Janet Folger Porter has been leading the way in this fight for years. I’ll tell you, she is stronger than horseradish. If it wasn’t for her work in drafting Heartbeat Bills around the country, many states wouldn’t have been ready for the end of Roe.

I’m grateful to God for each one of these ladies. They had confidence that what they were doing was going to make a difference. Well, because of what the Lord did through them—because they were willing and obedient—on the day of the Dobbs ruling a number of states already had laws in place to protect life and close the doors of abortion clinics forever!

We need to celebrate what God has done, working through Bible-believing people who stood for the sanctity of life, and for moving on the constitutionally conservative justices of the Supreme Court to make a decision that will save countless lives! Amen!

After Roe, we as believers also have to stand strong in the power of His might (Eph. 6:10)—because the real fight has just begun.

With Roe overturned, the issue should go back to the states to decide. Even though dozens of states have laws ready to protect life, some are trying to expand abortion.

On Friday, March 5, 2021, I was in Oklahoma City at a meeting called The Encounter. As I was worshiping, the Lord spoke to me. He said, “There are some people in this auditorium who, in the future, will be telling the young people of their generation about what it was like to live during the Third Great Awakening in America.”

So, I said, “God, are You saying that we are actually going to see a Third Great Awakening?” When I said that, very clearly the Lord spoke to me and said, “No. It’s not coming. It’s already begun.”

The First Great Awakening was back in the 1700s and is what occasioned this nation coming into being.

The Second Great Awakening was in the 1800s and led to the end of slavery.

Now that we are in the Third Great Awakening, we may see the end of abortion in this generation—but it will take the Church working together to see it come to pass.

Godly people are going to have to continue getting involved. Real conservatives with a biblical worldview are going to have to run for office and tear down ungodly laws. Most importantly, Bible-believing Christians are going to have to stand on the Word of God.

Good things are already happening, but there’s work to be done. I believe God is doing great things through organizations like our own Truth & Liberty Coalition, and I believe He’ll do even greater things in the future. If we all work together as the Body of Christ, I believe we can turn around this nation, and end abortion in our lifetime!

The best is yet to come!

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