Take a Stand Against Big Tech Censorship


Date posted: 02-05-2021

Featured Media

Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

Twitter recently blocked Focus on the Family’s Daily Citizen for stating a transgender woman is “a man who believes he is a woman.” By Twitter’s standards, sharing biological facts and biblical truth are now considered hate speech. The left has weaponized Big Tech to silence conservative voices. These actions have a chilling effect on dissent and target those who stand for truth. Our fundamental freedoms are under attack. In response, we are taking a stand – against censorship, and with Focus on the Family.

The following statement was released to the media, alerting the public to censorship by Big Tech and declaring our stand for truth:

Truth & Liberty Coalition Appalled by Twitter’s Decision to Block Focus on the Family’s Daily Citizen

(Woodland Park, CO – January 29, 2021) The Truth & Liberty Coalition is appalled by the decision by Twitter to block Focus on the Family’s Daily Citizen due to an alleged rules violation. Twitter carried out its decision, even after the Christian organization’s appeal. Twitter carried out the account block stating its position that the organization had posted “hateful” content.

“Twitter’s decision is blatant censorship,” said Richard Harris, Truth & Liberty Coalition’s Executive Director. “Focus on the Family’s statement poses no danger to anyone and does not incite any improper behavior. It seems, according to Twitter, simply acknowledging the biological fact of a person’s gender is now ‘hateful’.”

The tweet posted on @FocusCitizen, which was identified as the reason for the suspension, included a sentence stating the new transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services: “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

“Our concern is that with Focus on the Family’s account being blocked, all Christian conservative organizations could be next,” said Harris. “If stating the facts from a biblical perspective of what constitutes gender gets you banned, then all Christian conservative organizations are in jeopardy.”

“Big Tech titans are the new emperors of the twenty-first century, wielding an inordinate amount of power by silencing individuals and organizations that don’t comport or cave to their political or social point of view,” said Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family.

In recent weeks, other high-profile, outspoken individuals have been banned from social media, including former President Donald Trump and Mike Lindell, CEO and founder of My Pillow.

Other voices silenced include:

  • Curt Schilling — had his insurance dropped by AIG; may not make Hall of Fame today because of statements supporting conservative causes.
  • Brandon Eich — Mozilla CEO, ousted after it was discovered he’d privately given money in support of California’s anti-gay marriage referendum in the past.
  • Martina Navratilova — thrown off LGBT advocacy board and loses speaking engagements and documentary after arguing that transgender male athletes shouldn’t be able to compete in women’s sports.
  • JK Rowling — prevented from getting last book published because of tweets making distinctions between the sexes.
  • Ariel Pink — dropped from record label for attending Trump rally, not to mention all of the people who have been fired from jobs for attending the Jan. 6 rally, regardless of whether they even came near the Capitol.
  • CrossFit founder Greg Glassman — forced to sell company after making remarks critical of the rioting last year. 

“We at TLC believe we are at the beginning of a coordinated effort to silence those of us with socially conservative convictions,” Harris said. “We ask Christians everywhere to be in prayer. This tension over free speech, religious liberty and ‘Cancel Culture” in the past several months is being magnified with no end in sight.”

Take a Stand with Us

Sign Family Policy Alliance’s petition today, in support of Focus on the Family. Tell Big Tech you believe biological facts are real, the Bible is truth, and that freedom of speech matters in America. Your signature can make a difference!

For more on this developing story, visit Focus on the Family’s