Saleem: The Gospel Is Stronger Than Radical Islam


Date posted: 08-26-2021

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Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

The rapid collapse of Afghanistan and the rise of the Islamic Taliban regime has shocked many Americans, particularly Christians.

For a former radical Muslim who was gloriously born-again, it is evidence that God is reaching people and demonic forces are pushing back.

Kamal Saleem of Koome Ministries recently joined the Truth & Liberty livecast with Pastor Mark Cowart and Richard Harris to discuss a number of issues, including the impact of the Gospel on the Muslim world.

Sharing Jesus with Muslims

Many American Christians may draw back from evangelizing Muslims, due to the impact of radical Islamic terrorism. With a coming wave of refugees from Afghanistan – many of them Muslim – Saleem said it is important to share the Gospel.

“We need to be prepared as the Church and launch to reach those Muslims,” said Saleem. “Statistically, it shows that in two years if we don’t reach out to those newcomers, then the radicals reach out and turn them to radicalism.”

According to Saleem, Saul of Tarsus was considered a terrorist by Christians in the first century, but he became Paul the Apostle. In the same way, said Saleem, when Muslims turn to Jesus and come into the Church they will become apostles to the world.

In Iran, it has been reported that Muslims are seeing visions of Jesus in dreams and are seeking underground churches to learn more and be saved.

“God is moving in the Muslim world so amazingly,” said Saleem. “The underground church, it is growing so fast. This is happening at the rate of 6 million Muslims converting to Christ every year.”

Rescuing Christians from Danger

Over the 20 years since American forces launched the war on terror against the Taliban, freedom flourished in Afghanistan. One result was the spread of the Gospel and the conversion of Muslims to Christianity.

The fall of Afghanistan and resurgence of the Taliban follows similar patterns found during the Obama administration, said Saleem, under the watch of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Following the Arab Spring of 2011, radical Islamist groups including ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood rose to prominence in Libya and in Egypt.

According to Saleem, it’s more important than ever for the Church to continue doing the work of the Kingdom. The forces of the enemy are working to stop the Gospel everywhere it is preached – especially America, which has been a beacon of religious liberty to the rest of the world.

“Marxism, LGBTQ, socialism, Islamism, and humanism – all those are united together to destroy the United States of America and the Church,” said Saleem.

Now that the Taliban has retaken control, Christians are in danger for their lives. Organizations like WallBuilders (led by David and Tim Barton) are working to rescue Christians from Afghanistan.

“We need to find out who are the doers and we need to invest,” said Saleem. “Because if you are not investing in the Kingdom of God, then you need to help others who are working.”

Learn More

Learn more about Kamal Saleem and Koome Ministries at the organization’s website, and check out his latest book and DVD project, Ishmael Redeemed, scheduled for release later this year.

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