Hawkins: The Pro-Life Generation is Standing for Truth and Winning


Date posted: 05-25-2021

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Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

The popular myth that the majority of Americans support Roe vs. Wade is typically shattered once people learn what abortion is really all about – and it’s the current generation of teens and twenty-somethings who are making a difference.

“Young people want to do something,” said Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life. “They’ve seen their brothers and sisters via ultrasound – they know that old rhetoric of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry doesn’t really add up.”

Kristan recently joined the Truth & Liberty livecast to discuss a number of issues, including how the pro-life generation is turning the tide against abortion.

“They definitely know something’s wrong with the violence of abortion – that there’s got to be a different way,” said Kristan. “That’s what we’re able to equip them to do.”

Reaching Students on Campus

With 12,000 chapters around the country, Students for Life is actively engaging students on campus. These young women and men are a key demographic for abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood.

“Students for Life is an organization that goes right where the abortion industry targets – high school and college students – and we are helping them respond to the crisis of abortion,” said Kristan.

According to Kristan, face-to-face encounters with young people on campus are changing public opinion. About 25 percent of people informed by Students for Life activists change their mind on the issue. Also encouraging is that more than 30 percent of online encounters result in a new perspective on life.

Combating the Lies of Abortion

Students for Life works to change misconceptions about abortion.

One of the lies often spread by pro-abortion activists is that abortion is only a small portion of what Planned Parenthood does – about 3 percent. Kristan said that the organization is deceptive in its practices, obscuring what is actually provided. Services like providing pregnancy tests are typically used to funnel clients toward an abortion.

“They give multiple services at any appointment,” said Kristan. “So if a woman goes in seeking an abortion, she’s getting twelve services at one appointment. . . . Twelve months of birth control is ‘twelve services.’”

Another myth is that defunding Planned Parenthood would limit women’s access to important medical services. According to Kristan, there are more than enough pregnancy centers and Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) to meet those needs, and then some.

“The reality is there are over 2,500 pro-life, non-violent pregnancy help centers,” said Kristan. “There are over 8,000 FQHCs out there. . . . If every Planned Parenthood in America shut down tomorrow, every (FQHC) would only need to see two more patients a week.”

Learn More

Learn more about Kristan Hawkins and Students for Life by visiting their website. Also, check out their training materials and learn how to get involved with the Pro-Life Future Campaign.

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