Boykin: America Needs Godly People to Take a Stand


Date posted: 07-07-2021

Featured Media

Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

Modern culture has devalued godliness, honor, and courage. Many sectors of American society, including schools and the military, are under attack from leftist ideologies that are working to destroy traditional biblical values.

According to Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin of Family Research Council, it’s time for Christians to take a stand and respond.

“God’s expectation is for us to be warriors in His Kingdom,” said the general. “I hear this: ‘God’s in control all the time.’ And that’s right. I know God’s in control, but I also know God works through us.”

Gen. Boykin recently delivered a message at the 2021 Stand Courageous Conference, which was shared on the Truth & Liberty livecast. He discussed a number of issues, including how to live a courageous life through faith.

Responding to the Call

Gen. Boykin served in a number of high-level roles during his 36-year military career, detailed in his book Never Surrender. In 1978, he responded to the call to serve and joined the elite group that would later become Delta Force.

Despite passing all the physical requirements to join Delta Force, a military psychologist questioned then-Capt. Boykin’s fitness to serve due to his Christian faith. In a moment of need, Gen. Boykin prayed for guidance.

“’Lord, in Jesus’ name, show me what to do, because Satan is gathering his forces,’” said the general about his prayer. “I just heard the voice of the Lord . . . and He said, ‘Yes, son, but so am I.’ And I knew I was supposed to go back to Ft. Bragg and be part of this new organization.”

A Life of Service

Through the years, Gen. Boykin was called to pray over his soldiers before launching missions. From Iran, to Panama, to Somalia, the general was often positioned to shine the light of the Gospel.

Now retired, Gen. Boykin serves as executive vice president of the Family Research Council, which “seeks to inform the news media, the academic community, business leaders, and the general public about family issues that affect the nation from a biblical worldview.”

Gen. Boykin encourages Christians – and particularly men through Stand Courageous – to become warriors in God’s Kingdom. Now, more than ever, courageous believers will lead the way in turning America back toward biblical values, including honor, truth, and service.

“If you look at the Bible, [God] used warriors – male and female,” said the general. “He’s used warriors in those times when he wanted to make a major change.”

Learn More

Learn more about the Family Research Council at the organization’s website. Visit Stand Courageous and see what Gen. Boykin is doing to empower men and families. Also, check out his books: Never Surrender and Man to Man.

Watch the full episode at the Truth & Liberty website. Visit our Research Center for great practical resources. Also, learn how you can become a Truth & Liberty Coalition member and join us in standing for truth in the public square.