Christians often don’t know how to influence their lawmakers beyond Election Day. Often, candidates hear concerns about biblical values on the campaign trail, but rarely hear from their constituents once they enter office.

One pro-life and pro-marriage activist is making her voice heard in Washington, DC. She and a group of Christian leaders are giving other believers the opportunity to share biblical truth with lawmakers through a postcard campaign that is flooding offices with messages.

“If you stacked them up flat, they would be just about 5 feet on every senator’s desk,” said Janet Porter of Faith2Action. “They’re going to be noticed.”

Porter joined the Truth & Liberty livecast to discuss a number of issues, including how to stop the destructive and dangerous Equality Act.

Making Your Voice Heard

According to Porter, contacting lawmakers is the key to success in fighting ungodly policies. She said past letter-writing campaigns have overwhelmed Congress. Porter was told the congressional fax machines and email systems could not handle the volume of messages from concerned and active Christians.

Recently, Porter joined forces with a number of other influential Christian leaders to launch a postcard campaign against HR 5, the so-called Equality Act. The bill, now in the Senate, would impose the LGBTQ agenda and pro-abortion policies on Christians organizations. It is one of the most destructive and dangerous pieces of legislation in history.

“It’s really the ‘Inequality Act’ – it’s an attack on religious freedom, it’s an attack on women, it’s an attack on children – but it also repeals every pro-life law we’ve ever passed,” said Porter.  

Messages Are Flooding In

According to the Stop HR5 website, nearly 900,000 postcards have been sent to Washington, DC, so far. People have the option of sending the bright orange postcards – reading “WE SAY NO!” – just to their U.S. senators, or they can send postcards to every member of the Senate, the White House, and each justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

For some lawmakers, it’s a message that biblical values matter to Christian voters. According to Porter, some conservative senators have reached out and expressed their gratitude for the campaign.

“America is responding – it’s amazing to see,” said Porter. “And it’s going to not only encourage our friends, but I believe it’s going to put the fear of the next election into any senator who faces this.”

Learn More

To learn more about Janet Porter and Faith2Action, visit their website. To send postcards to senators, the White House, and the Supreme Court, visit

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