Finding True Identity: Defeating the LGBTQ Agenda March 10, 2021 | Truth & Liberty Staff With secular culture increasingly promoting the LGBTQ agenda and destructive lifestyles, Christians may wonder how to respond effectively. Jeff Johnston of Focus on the Family recently joined the Truth & Liberty live cast to discuss a number of topics, including how Christians can address homosexuality and transgenderism. Answering the Identity Question For years, Jeff struggled with same-sex attractions before leaving the homosexual lifestyle. According to his testimony, Jeff was raised in a Christian home and regularly attended church, so he is able to relate to Christians who struggle with an LGBTQ identity. “That identity question is so key, because the world says, ‘This is who you are,’” says Jeff. “’This is your very core identity – the center of your being,’ and that’s not what God says about us.” According to Jeff, one of the first positive steps he took away from the LGBTQ lifestyle was to see that it was a false identity. That revelation of truth, his identity in Christ, took a weight off of Jeff and allowed him to see that he was fighting from victory. Unfortunately, says Jeff, there are people in the church affirming the LGBTQ lifestyle, which is incorrect and ungodly. “In Genesis – and Jesus repeats this, and Paul repeats this – God made us male and female,” says Jeff. “Homosexuality, transgenderism – those are an attack on the image of God.” Protecting our Children Reaching out to people who are in an LGBTQ lifestyle requires building trust through relationships, then lovingly challenging them, according to Jeff. During his journey out of homosexuality, Jeff was asked how he saw God, and then how he felt about God, which helped reveal negative thinking and emotions that had to be addressed. “After you’ve known somebody for a while, you can talk to them about where you stand on this, what scripture says about this, and what God says,” Jeff says. On a public policy level, however, he stresses biblical truth should be the guide. Decisions are being made that are putting families at risk and direct action is needed. “We do it kindly, but when our children are being taught as young as kindergarten that you can be any gender you want, or that you might turn into the opposite sex, we have to lead with truth,” says Jeff. “We have to do it with wisdom and with courage – people are afraid to talk about these issues today.” Learn More Visit Focus on the Family for a number of resources and tools to help people find freedom from LGBTQ lifestyles. Also check out the Back to School for Parents guide, “a busy parent’s guide to what’s happening in your children’s classrooms and practical steps you can take to protect them.” Watch the full episode at the Truth & Liberty website. Visit our Research Center for great practical resources. Also, learn how you can become a Truth & Liberty Coalition member and join us in standing for truth in the public square.