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Luke Ball

Luke Ball is a Republican political strategist and the CEO of Masonboro Strategies. He is also a political commentator and VICTORY News contributor. Prior to founding Masonboro Strategies, Luke has… Read More… Read More


Richard Harris

Richard Harris is a graduate of Charis Bible College and the Charis School of Ministry. Before coming to Charis, he practiced law in his home state of Oklahoma for 20 years. He is the pastor of Grace and Faith Bible Church of Woodland Park, where he enjoys teaching God’s word…… Read More

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A movement that promotes the true reformation & flourishing of nations.

spheres of societal influence

The 7 Mountain Mandate, a powerful, transformative campaign intended to bring about social transformation. The Kingdom of God is enormous – far bigger than your family or local church.

To deliver the truth of God’s Kingdom and unite the Body of Christ with the world at large, we believe we have a mandate to bring Godly change to our world, through the seven spheres of societal influence.